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In Diablo IV Beta, how do you get the Wolf Pet?

To unlock the adorable Wolf Pack Puppy in Diablo IV, players must play the open beta and reach a certain level milestone with a single character.

A sleeping wolf pup in a cradle attached to an armor piece in Diablo 4, a special cosmetic reward from the game's beta.

Diablo IV’s Wolf Pet is perhaps the most adorable reward players can obtain by participating in the game’s latest open beta. Despite the game’s gruesome dark fantasy tone, Diablo IV appears to be the latest in a long line of games featuring adorable animal companions. To claim the Wolf Pet in the Diablo IV beta, players need to unlock the Beta Wolf Pack, a special reward given to players who progress past a certain milestone during the game’s beta phase.

Players can access the Diablo IV open beta to get a feel for the game before its release in June. During the beta, players can enjoy a significant portion of the game, including the Prologue and all of Act One, and unlock rewards. Players can earn two character titles: Initial Casualty by reaching Kyovashad, and Early Voyager by reaching Level 20. The Beta Wolf Pack is the third reward, and like Early Voyager, it’s also tied to character level.

How To Unlock The Beta Wolf Pack In Diablo IV’s Beta

Diablo 4 Beta Wolf Pack Player Character With Sleeping Wolf Pup In Armor Cradle On Back

According to a Blizzard blog post, all players have to do to unlock the Beta Wolf Pack and Diablo IV’s Wolf Pet is to reach Level 20 with a single character. This can be done with any of Diablo IV's character classes. After progressing past this milestone in the open beta, players will then receive the pack as a reward once Diablo IV launches. It’s a relatively simple requirement on paper.

Players should keep in mind that the open beta period only runs for a relatively short period of time between March 24 and March 27.

Given the level requirement for unlocking the Beta Wolf Pack, players will likely have to complete a significant portion of the beta to unlock it. However, there are several methods for players to accelerate their XP gain to get themselves to Level 20 as quickly as possible. This includes building Diablo IV’s Renown, which gives players bonus XP when they reach new Renown tiers.

Players can also opt to play with friends in a party, which grants 10% extra bonus experience during the beta. Notably, this can be done either online or couch co-op with other players. Diablo IV beta players can also optimize their character builds to make them more effective at eliminating the hordes of demons swarming across Sanctuary.

Unfortunately, none of the characters players create during the open beta period will carry over to Diablo IV at launch, so all character progress and all of those skill points players have collected won’t be carried forward. Players should still pay attention to their character builds, as this will let them get to Level 20 faster to unlock the Beta Wolf Pack and Diablo IV’s Wolf Pet.

More: Diablo IV Beta: How to Respec Skill Points

Source: Blizzard

Editor’s Note: A lawsuit has been filed against Activision Blizzard by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which alleges the company has engaged in abuse, discrimination, and retaliation against its female employees. Activision Blizzard has denied the allegations. The full details of the Activision Blizzard lawsuit (content warning: rape, suicide, abuse, harassment) are being updated as new information becomes available.

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    Players are set to return to the world of Sanctuary in Diablo 4. Set after the events of Diablo 3's Reaper of Souls DLC, Lilith, the daughter of Mephisto, has been summoned to the world and has assumed power in the absence of demons and angels. Lilith establishes Sanctuary as a haven for refugees caught in the crossfire between hell and heaven. Wanting to protect her kind from the recently emerged Nephelem, Lilith is banished to the void. Now she has returned, seeking revenge for the crimes committed against her. Players will choose between staple class choices, such as Barbarian, Sorceress, Druid, Rogue, and Necromancer, as they battle alone or together against Lilith's forces.

    How Long To Beat:
    34 hours



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