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Danske Bank mister Infosys på grund af deres digital transformation

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    Nordic banking giant Danske Bank has partnered up with Infosys in a bid to accelerate the bank’s digital transformation initiatives.

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    Danske Bank taps Infosys for digital transformation

    As part of the strategic partnership, Infosys will also acquire Danske Bank’s IT hub in India, which employs over 1,400 professionals.

    Through the partnership, Danske Bank will be able to achieve “better customer experiences, operational excellence, and a modernised technology landscape”, Infosys says. It adds that it will utilise Infosys Topaz, an artificial intelligence (AI)-led set of services and solutions, to enhance the bank’s IT operations and capabilities.

    Frans Woelders, chief operating officer (COO) of Danske Bank, says the bank has made “significant investments in digitalisation and technology, including plans to further develop our customer-facing digital solutions, and modernising our technology infrastructure to enable even better customer experiences and drive operational efficiency”.

    “Infosys has the tools, experience, and expertise to support us in accelerating our transformation using cloud and AI technologies. Given Infosys’ global presence and scale, this collaboration will also give us access to wider talent pools and capabilities,” Woelders adds.

    Based in Denmark, Danske Bank provides banking services to personal and business customers, as well as large corporates and institutions.


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    Author: Charles Walls

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    Name: Charles Walls

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    Introduction: My name is Charles Walls, I am a unguarded, spirited, daring, striking, lively, esteemed, enterprising person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.