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Customers are introduced to a new program called Crypto Earn by Crypto com

The platform noted that the old reward structure for USDC will no longer apply, so users can take advantage of the simplified Earn Plus system.

Renowned global crypto platform Crypto.com has taken a giant leap forward by introducing its all-new Crypto Earn program known as ‘Earn Plus’. This program promises a new and improved offering with a clearer reward system, bigger allocation limits, and higher reward rates.

Standout Features of ‘Earn Plus’


One of the standout features of Earn Plus is its simplified reward structure. Crypto.com understands that not all users are crypto experts, and many are looking for a straightforward way to earn rewards without navigating complex terms and conditions. Therefore, with Earn Plus, users can expect a clear and easy-to-understand reward system, making it accessible to both newcomers and seasoned crypto users.

Earn Plus also introduces higher allocation limits of $1 million per token, allowing users to deposit more of their favorite cryptocurrencies and tokens. This elevated limit opens up new horizons for crypto enthusiasts, allowing them to allocate more and, consequently, earn more rewards.

At launch, Earn Plus will offer users the opportunity to earn rewards with PayPal USD (PYUSD) and USD Coin (USDC). However, Crypto.com has plans to introduce more tokens in the future, expanding the range of options for users. The platform noted that the old reward structure for USDC will no longer apply, so users can take advantage of the simplified Earn Plus system.

Furthermore, Crypto.com is committed to offering competitive rewards to its users, and Earn Plus takes this commitment to the next level. Users can expect to earn more from their crypto holdings through this enhanced program, making it an enticing option for those looking to generate passive income from their digital assets.

Crypto.com’s Earn Program as a Beacon of Stability


In contrast to the turbulence surrounding Gemini’s Earn program, Crypto.com’s Earn program remained a beacon of stability and innovation in the cryptocurrency space. Crypto.com has consistently prioritized user experience, security, and flexibility in its Earn program, making it an attractive option for crypto enthusiasts looking to earn passive income.

As Gemini Exchange’s users explore alternative options for earning crypto rewards in the wake of the suspension of the Earn program following the brawl with Genesis Global, Crypto.com’s Earn program stands ready to welcome them with its user-friendly interface and robust features. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of selecting a crypto platform that places user satisfaction and reliability at the forefront.

Meanwhile, Crypto.com announced earlier in July that it had received regulatory authorization from De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) to offer its crypto services in the Netherlands.

This accomplishment demonstrates the company’s dedication to regulatory compliance and its objective to increase crypto use while adhering to strict financial rules. The DNB’s approval follows a thorough evaluation of Crypto.com’s business operations to ensure compliance with the Netherlands’ Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act.

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Author: Susan Phillips

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Name: Susan Phillips

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Introduction: My name is Susan Phillips, I am a honest, vibrant, accessible, Adventurous, clever, brilliant, resolute person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.