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A 16-year-old worker at Cook Out shoots a man; Rocky Mount police say the victim is critically injured

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    ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. (WNCN) — A 19-year-old man is in critical condition after a 16-year-old Cook Out employee shot him early Friday morning at the restaurant, according to the Rocky Mount Police Department.

    At about 12:06 a.m., officers said they were called to a hospital in reference to a 19-year-old man with a gunshot wound.

    After they arrived, they said they received a call from a citizen who reported a shooting at the Cook Out on N. Wesleyan Blvd.

    Investigators said an altercation at the fast food restaurant resulted in a 16-year-old female employee shooting 19-year-old Tahagi Brown.

    There was no known relationship between the both of them prior to the incident, according to the police department.

    Police said the 16-year-old girl is a validated gang member.

    They said she fled the scene and was quickly found at a home on Hammond Street.

    “We look in some of our communities and people say hey, gun violence is big. These kids are shooting each other. They don’t care. There’s a cycle of things that are happening,” said Ron Green. “People say you are trying to break the cycle. I’m not trying to break the cycle. I’m just trying to eliminate the cycle altogether.”

    Green is the CEO of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Tar River Region.

    The non-profit works with the City of Rocky Mount when it comes to spreading awareness surrounding gang activity.

    “When it comes to the gang it’s like family. It’s like life. We are here. We are family. That’s one of our goals with the Boys and Girls Club is to make sure our kids understand it’s family,” green explained.

    He said the non-profit hopes to stop the violence by creating opportunities for young people.

    “We have entrepreneurship programs that we do. We’ll do STEM programs. We have a maker space,” stated Green.

    He not only wants to do more, but he’s also challenging his community to step up.

    “We got to get more people that are involved and want to be in youth programs. whether if it’s in Boys and Girls Clubs or parks and rec. we need more positive people to step up and say I want to volunteer and coach,” said Green.

    The 16-year-old is charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury with the intent to kill.

    She will be held at a juvenile facility, according to police.

    Officers said Brown was transferred to another hospital and is currently listed in critical condition.

    Police said they continue to investigate.

    Anyone with information is asked to call the Rocky Mount Police Department at 252-972-1411, call Crime Stoppers at 252-977-1111 for cash rewards, or Text-A-Tip (text RMPOL and your message to 274637).


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    Name: Amanda Martin

    Birthday: 2003-10-19

    Address: 4677 Jones Fords, Kevinburgh, NM 94203

    Phone: +4752495779216560

    Job: Dental Hygienist

    Hobby: Metalworking, Coffee Roasting, Yoga, Telescope Building, Wildlife Photography, Tea Brewing, Pottery

    Introduction: My name is Amanda Martin, I am a talented, frank, esteemed, clever, steadfast, multicolored, Gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.